CSE378: Introduction to Robotics
Spring 2018, Time: Tuesdays, Thursdays, 5.30-6.50pm, PSYCHOLOGY A 137
Instructor: Minh Hoai Nguyen, New CS 153.
Office hours: Tue 3-4pm, Friday 1.30-3.30pm
TA: Ke Ma ([email protected]).
There will be three homework assignments, two exams, and a final project.
Weights are approximate and subject to change. You are expected to do homework assignments by yourselves. Even if you discuss them with your classmates, you should turn in your own code and write-up. You can have one sheet of paper with notes in the midterm and quizes.
Tentative Syllabus
Date | Topic | Readings | Assignments |
23-Jan-2018 | Introduction | RVC, Chapter 1 | |
25-Jan | Sensor | | |
30-Jan | Sensor | | |
01-Feb | Representing Position and Orientation | RVC, Chapter 2 | HW1 out |
06-Feb | Representing Position and Orientation | RVC, Chapter 2 | |
08-Feb | Time and Motion | RVC, Chapter 3 | |
13-Feb | Mobile robots | RVC, Chapter 4 | |
15-Feb | Mobile robots | RVC, Chapter 4 | |
20-Feb | Navigation - Bioinspiration | RVC, Chapter 5 | HW1 due. HW2 out |
22-Feb | Navigation - Methods | RVC, Chapter 5 | |
27-Feb | Navigation - Methods | RVC, Chapter 6 | |
29-Feb | Localization - Probabilistic Robotics | RVC, Chapter 6 | |
06-Mar | Localization - Histogram Filter | RVC, Chapter 7 | |
08-Mar | Localization - Particle filters | RVC, Chapter 7 | HW2 due. |
13-Mar | Spring break - no class | | |
15-Mar | Spring break - no class | | |
20-Mar | Review lecture | | Project proposal due |
22-Mar | No lecture. Mid-term exam. | | Mid-term |
27-Mar | Guest lecture - Roy Shilkrot | | |
29-Mar | Guest lecture - Nilanjan Chakraborty | | |
03-Apr | Robot Arm Kinematics | RVC, Chapter 7 | |
05-Apr | Robot Arm Inverse Kinematics | RVC, Chapter 7 | HW3 out |
10-Apr | Inverse Kinematics - Jacobian | RVC, Chapter 8 | |
12-Apr | Computer Vision - Seeing | RVC, Chapter 10 | |
17-Apr | Computer Vision - Image Formation | RVC, Chapter 11 | |
19-Apr | Progress check - class demo | | class demo |
24-Apr | Computer Vision - multi-view | RVC, Chapter 14 | |
26-Apr | Computer Vision - Image feature | RVC, Chapter 13 | |
27-Apr | Not a lecture date | | HW3 due |
01-May | Final class - review | | |
03-May | Public demo day | | Demo 4-8.30pm |
05-May | No class | | Project report due |
09-May | Exam 5:30-8:00 PM | | Exam