Minh Hoai Nguyen – Publications

Please cite using M. Hoai for publications in or after 2011 and M.H. Nguyen for publications before 2011.

Referred publications on Hand Detection

HOIST-Former: Hand-held Objects Identification, Segmentation, and Tracking in the Wild.
S. Narasimhaswamy, H. A. Nguyen, L. Huang, M. Hoai (2024)
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Paper Code BibTex
HanDiffuser: Text-to-Image Generation With Realistic Hand Appearances.
S. Narasimhaswamy, U. Bhattacharya, X. Chen, I. Dasgupta, S. Mitra, M. Hoai (2024)
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Paper Project BibTex
Whose Hands are These? Hand Detection and Hand-Body Association in the Wild.
S. Narasimhaswamy, T. Nguyen, M. Huang, M. Hoai (2022)
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Paper Spotlight Poster Slides Project Code BibTex
Forward Propagation, Backward Regression, and Pose Association for Hand Tracking in the Wild.
M. Huang, S. Narasimhaswamy, S. Vazir, H. Ling, M. Hoai (2022)
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Paper Spotlight Poster Slides Project Code BibTex
Detecting Hands and Recognizing Physical Contact in the Wild.
S. Narasimhaswamy, T. Nguyen, M. Hoai (2020)
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS).
Paper Slides Code Data BibTex
Contextual Attention for Hand Detection in the Wild.
S. Narasimhaswamy, Z. Wei, Y. Wang, J. Zhang, M. Hoai (2019)
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV).
Paper Poster Demo Demo-Video Project BibTex
WorkingHands: A Hand-Tool Assembly Dataset for Image Segmentation and Activity Mining.
R. Shilkrot, S. Narasimhaswamy, S. Vazir, M. Hoai (2019)
Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC).
Paper Poster Data BibTex